Jun 21Liked by Gillian Orr

I hope you always get little signs. About a year after my mum passed away, she visited me in a dream and everything was (as much as it could be) clearer after that.

And screenshot the texts so you'll always have them.

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Sorry about your mum and I look forward to the dreams 🤍

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Thinking of you. This was beautiful and you're right, grief is real but everything is going to be alright 🤍

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Thank you 🤍

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Jun 23Liked by Gillian Orr

Ah, this post left me a bit breathless. I’ve been visiting my dad this past week. And every time I have to fly out I pray it’s not our final goodbye and that we both live for another meet. I am sending you a virtual hug…

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beautiful beautiful beautiful. thank you for sharing—i'm so sorry for your loss. sending love🤍

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Gillian Orr

As soon as I saw the heading for your post, I knew you had lost someone because that song found me when my Dad died last year and I kept playing it. I hadn't even heard it before and it came up in some suggestions on my music app. There is some comfort in it as well as bitter loss, particularly the line "I'm feeling sacred, my soul is stripped" because in these moments of grief there is also some kind of sacredness that you can easily miss in life's normal busyness. Also I listened to A Year of Magical Thinking on my daily trips to the hospital to see my Dad. I am sorry for your loss and I hope you continue to find comfort in music, writing and nature.

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So sorry about your dad and completely agree about that line. How funny that we both found the same song 🤍

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Jun 21Liked by Gillian Orr

So beautifully put. The birds are messengers for sure.


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Jun 21Liked by Gillian Orr


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Jun 21Liked by Gillian Orr

This was so incredibly lovely a read. I'm so sorry for your loss.

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