Had the horror the other day of realising that a) ALL of my underwear is from M&S and b) two of my bras (which still look perfectly OK tbh) were bought for me by my step mum when I was a teenager. I'm 37. Joining you on the underwear upgrade effort!

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Let's do this!

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I had NOT heard of that book, but I’m intrigued and adding to my list immediately!

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You won't regret it!

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Exactly the kind of raving review of Soldier Sailor I needed to add it to my TBR list, thank you !

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Going straight in for that movie...could do with a trip down memory lane..just hope I don’t rush out and get a butterfly tatt on my knicker line!

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This was the final nudge I needed to sort out my damn knicker drawer. It’s gone too far.

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I came across your 'Stack the other day and did a ??!! double take.....for an instant I thought I must have somehow clicked on my own (because of our titles picking up from the same WB Yeats line).

So I thought I'd say Hello anyway. Our 'Stacks are not generally in a similar territory at all but - with your music journalism background - you might just find this one of interest: https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/imagine-theres-no-muzak

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